Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bloggers to Follow - Locked Out Fashion

Check it out Here!

Michelle is a neat person I met through other neat people from the Caldwell area of Idaho. She went to school over here, but is from Oregon and is living there now. She is an active contributor at this blog and she has been doing her own blog for quite some time! Her main subject is fashion, sharing outfits and nail colors or all variety. She also mixes in recipes, photography and life anecdotes.

Michelle has inspired a lot of new interests in me this year. This blog actually is because of her inspiration. Something about her blog and how she put it together gave me the interest and motivation to start one of my own. I admire her passions and enthusiasms and enjoy her blog posts and random musings on Twitter. We share a lot of the same interests, as well as fundamental beliefs in life and other subjects. She is primarily a writer, like I am, and she focuses a lot of her energy on writing online for different businesses and blogs, which I think is pretty cool. She enjoys fashion, baking naughty foods, do-it-yourself projects of all kinds, and she loves photography, just as I do. We're almost too similar. Haha. I think Michelle is pretty nifty and I know you would too. I'm really glad I got to meet her. I hope to get the chance to visit her in Oregon this Summer. I'm crossing my fingers. I really need R&R on the west coast and some major beach time!

She only needs a few more followers added to her blog to make it to 100! Help her out by checking out her blog and making sure to follow it. The link is above.

- MaryAnne

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