Monday, August 13, 2012

Dear Any Loyal Readers...

I've been quite a naughty girl at keeping up with my posts. Believe me, I want to post a lot more than I do and I have posts piling up to be put on here, so I best get to it before Summer ends. I've been heavily distracted and busy with life and such. I've decided the only real way I'll be able to maintain consistent activity with my blogs is if I make a weekly schedule and stick to it. So, at least once a week you'll be seeing a new post on here, but since I have so many backed up posts for Summer I want to make sure I get them out all on here before it's too late so I'll be posting a flurry of posts this month and then starting September I'll make sure to post at least once a week.

I appreciate your loyalty and thanks so much for sticking around and checking out my posts.

- MaryAnne

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