Friday, March 2, 2012

Meet Michelle - Writer, Professional Cutie Pie

Name: Michelle
Age: 23
Month you were born: October!
Home region: Western Oregon
Current City: same place :]
Occupation/Vocation: Currently, I'm a receptionist, but I'm up for whatever.
Hobbies/Activities: Writing, fashion, photography, running/working out, baking things I eat too much of...
Website/Blog/Facebook: Locked Out Blogspot / Maple Fire Photography

Some Favorites:
Color(s) = Oh goodness, my favorite color is probably blue. It's just calming. I like almost every color in same way though. Close second favorite is probably yellow.
Book(s) / Author(s) = I'm obsessed with Harry Potter, anything by Adrienne Rich, and rock biographies. My most recent read is Duff's "It's So Easy & Other Lies"
Artist(s) = Goodness, I have no idea. I'm a big fan of typography, although I'm not sure that's an art, persay, and I love Nubby Twiglet's design work. (
Musical Artist(s) = Chris Connelly, Bon Iver, Florence and the Machine, Train... I'm stupidly obsessed with the Sex Pistols and Guns n' Roses. There is a tiny punk teenager still yearning to rebel inside of me.
Music Genre(s) = I'm definitely a rock girl.
Movie(s) = oh god! Love Actually, Girl,Interrupted (obsession), Lord of the Rings, the Harry Potter movies, Shrek (only the 2nd one).... I watch a lot of movies!
Animal(s) = PANDAS. I'm obsessed with pandas -- I have been since middle school. I know pandas are a trendy animal to love but I just want to clarify, in a very hipster-ish way, that I loved pandas WAY before they were cool.
Article(s) of clothing = Skirts & dresses, probably.
Fashion Accessories = Hm. I wear scarves occasionally. Probably belts now that I think about it. I almost always belt everything I wear. It's just... classy.
Item(s) in your house = I love my photo collage of Danny and I. I love my framed picture of my grandpa next to his funeral pamphlet framed. I love my photos of my nephews.

Fashion/Style Questions

Out of everyone - celebrities, dead people, and even your friends and family; Who is your Style Icon right now and why?
Right now, I would say Slash and Izzy Stradlin from Guns n' Roses. Is that weird? Maybe a little. Also, Dolly Parton. My style icons tend to not be people I would actually dress like, but people who have a spirit I admire. Slash is so passionate about what he does and he just doesn't care and he's so wild. Izzy, at least when he was in G'nR was SO GOOD at looking like he didn't care, but it was so meticulous; he obviously thought it out. And Dolly Parton! I just love her. She knows what she looks like and you know what? She does not care! It's how she wants to look! She's herself, no matter what, and she's still humble, and no one can ever say a word against her because she's hilarious.

How would you describe your personal style?
I like simple, girly pieces. Part of me definitely wishes I could look tougher, but since I'm roughly child-sized, it's never going to happen! I wish I could pull off the leather jacket look, but I mostly just look like I'm wearing my big sister's clothes to the middle school mixer, you know? So, I stick with what works: feminine, tailored, simple.

What is your favorite clothing combination? 
Dresses and cardigans, tights and dresses, or metallics and prints.

Where do you buy/get the majority of your clothing? 
Target, Forever21, thrifting.

What of your outfits is your favorite? 
I love my silver-grey bubble hem dress. It's perfect in any outfit.

Which is most comfy? Most you? Most perfect for going out? 
All of my outfits are comfy, by design. I'm not a finicky person. I'd say the outfit that is most me is... wearing my black leggings and a sweatshirt! Haha! For going out, I like my red satin party dress from American Eagle. I got it on super clearance and I love it!

Which do you most prefer & why - Thrift Stores or Department/Malls? 
I guess I prefer malls. I'm a really irregular size in clothes -- I wear really small size everything, so I find lots of shoes, but not many clothes. However, I'm getting more into altering clothes (my mom is teaching me to sew) so hopefully that will change. I just love the ease of Forever21.

What are the best deals/finds you’ve encountered? 
I'm a couponer and I sign up for all store rewards programs (if it's not a credit card!) The best deal is really with American Eagle/Aerie. The trick: sign up for their reward program and watch Aerie for bras as they go on sale. This is great if you need to add more basic bras to your wardrobe. (Good undergarments = good investment.) About 2-3 times per season, Aerie does 40% off all bras. This is a good time to buy basic ones, like a white, nude or black bra. Then, as the season comes to a close, they'll try to clear out their stock of seasonal bras -- ones with say, snow man print, if it's winter - and these will get put on super clearance. Last January, I bought three bras for $20. Yeah. So with the reward card, if you buy I think it's 4 bras, you get one free at the end of the rewards period. Awesome right? So that's 5 bras you've added to your wardrobe for wicked cheap, especially if you've been putting off buying bras for, say, five years. Like me.

Are you interested in ‘Do It Yourself‘?
Sure! Why not? :)

Do you do DIY’s? 
If so what is the favorite thing you’ve done? I've done some. I've recently finished my first homemade dress. :) I also want to do a tutorial I found on Delightfully Tacky where she used fabric paint to put polka dots on thrifted shorts. Also, she made a watermelon skirt and I'm sorry, but that's adorable. I love Delightfully Tacky, the end.

Some Questions About You

Where do you like to be the majority of your time? 
In bed. :) Probably with a snack.

Are you most likely to be home or out somewhere? 
Probably home. although actually, I think I spend more time at work.

Who is one of your role models? 
My mom.

If you’re having a bad day, what do you do to help brighten up your mood? 
I will eat something yummy. A pack of M&Ms, an oreo, something. Comfort eating, I know it's bad, but I don't care!

If you could go anywhere in the world right this second, where would you go? 
Probably Disneyland. With Danny.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 
I have no idea. I don't know where I'll be in three days, let alone 10 years! Hopefully I'll have kids by then, though? Maybe a house.

What song or music album are you currently addicted to? 
I love Train's "Drive By" and anything by Gotye.

What’s one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen? 
At my grandpa's 70th birthday party, his niece (my mom's cousin, who I call my aunt) Linda got up and told a story of when she was little. Linda's mom is my grandma's sister. Linda is the oldest of 5 and the only girl, and her parents were severe alcoholics -- they moved constantly to evade taxes too and her mom (my grandma's sister) was extremely abusive, especially to Linda. Well, one summer, my grandma and grandpa had enough and took in all 5 kids -- my grandpa even built an add on onto their house for them. Well, one of the first nights they were there, Linda was pretending to be asleep and she heard someone who was over (a friend of the family) say, "She looks like a little angel." And my grandpa said, "Oh, she is." At the party she said, "You didn't have to treat us that way. We weren't your kids and we didn't have to be your problem. But I needed to feel like I was good and pretty because of how my parents treated me -- and even when they got us back, I knew: I always had you somewhere, telling me I was good enough." It was so beautiful and so touching. It made me realize what a good man my grandfather was. I miss him, so much, everyday. A day doesn't pass where I don't mourn him. Maybe he is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen: he was so human, patient and kind and passionate and powerful and flawed.

What is one of your goals to achieve this year? 
I want to save up enough money to get a studio iMac for Danny and I.

What do you like best about fashion? 
Self-expression, I suppose!

Where do you find the most peace? 
Sleep. And bubble baths.

How do you like your eggs? 
I don't eat eggs! That's a lie. Occasionally, I'll eat a boiled egg, but I generally do not like eggs. I am terrified of raw eggs.


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