Monday, August 20, 2012

Are You There Autumn? It's me, MaryAnne.

Forgive the title. I think it's funny. This is a post that gives a nod to Autumn. I am kind of over Summer for the most part. I'm ready for the leaves to change and the air to cool off and I'm ready for sweater weather! Or, at the very least, weather I can wear pants in. I went on a little thrift store adventure this past weekend and found three dresses and this top. I can't wait to show you the Audrey Hepburn dress I found. I have to alter the neck line first.

This top was brand new, never worn. The second-hand store I went to originally wanted $13 for it, a price that the actual store it came from would probably give it as a sales price. I got lucky though because the color of that particular tag was 50% off. It reminds me of an old lady's moo-moo. But I don't know. There's something about it I like. Maybe it's the colors, the pink and green. There are white and yellow tropical birds on it too, but you can't see them very well in the photos. And maybe also, it's that it looks good on me and it's different from things I'm used to seeing. It stands out in a subtle way and I like that.

This top is kind of too long to wear with shorts. It can be worn with leggings though and as you see here, I paired it with my skinny jeans. What's also cool about this look is that I was able to wear a pair of shoes I found under my bed and sort of forgot about for maybe about a year! They are way cute, grey-blue flats. You can see them best in the last photo.

I also had a new belt I was able to wear and it works very well with this look. It's navy blue. Belts are certainly a great wonder and for a long time I didn't enjoy wearing them or felt I had any need for belts, but now I have found my need for them and am wanting to expand my belt collection a great deal. I like wearing belts with quite a few of my outfits now and I have a couple more than I used to. You won't be seeing me in just that brown one anymore. ;)

These photos were taken by my husband, Brian, on a foothills walk in the Boise North End, in Idaho. This trail was chalk full of awesome photo ops. I was almost salivating from all the possibilities.

Thanks for reading!

- MaryAnne

Monday, August 13, 2012

DIY Group - Meeting #2

The second meeting of the DIY Group was hosted by the lovely Sara, in her back yard. It was a very peaceful sort of day, quiet and simple, and not too hot. The shade from the big trees certainly helped. Sara made some nifty food for the meeting. She made lunch - Quinoa w/ kalamata olives, tomatoes, zucchini, and feta cheese; iced green tea; and super yummy, red velvet cupcakes w/ cream cheese frosting! Yay!

There was no designated theme for this meeting. Everyone just worked on whatever project they've been meaning to work on. On our first meeting there were three girls, then on the second meeting there were four. Welcome to the group Jenette...

Jenette made a bag out of an old silk top. It came out really neat and very vintage looking. She had been meaning to make something out that fabric for a few years. It's a great example of why I wanted to create this group in the first place, to motivate people and give them a reason to finally do that project that's been in the back on their minds and the back of a drawer for a while, because in regular every day life you just don't have time to bother with something as 'trivial' as a little DIY project. So putting together a group, where you can both socialize and be productive, gives a person the opportunity to do something they've only thought of doing and finding the time to actually do it.

working on the bag.
Sara's doggie hung out with us...

Liz being Silly...

Sara and her cupcakes... [they matched her dress. it's a nice color on her.]

Sara wasn't fully sure what she wanted to make. She finished the feather from the last meeting and she began working on an other embroidered piece. She thought about maybe putting the pieces together to make an elaborate headband. I personally think that sounds extremely cool. Here's the finished feather...

Liz, once again, completed [or nearly so] two projects. She made another turban headband and shortened a really cute skirt, adding a neat sewing design at the hem. I should have gotten a shot of the stitch design, but I didn't think to.


That's one cute skirt! Very retro. When she finishes the stitching and makes a complete outfit with it, I'll be sure to take pictures!

making friends with doggie.
Below: This is what I started out with. It's a complete, fully attached, three-piece pant suit, padded shoulders included! My plan is to make a cute little dress out of it. I spent the majority of the meeting ripping seams and detaching the red jacket. I can't wait to finish this DIY look and show you! I haven't been able to spend any time on it since the meeting, but it really shouldn't take much time to complete, so hopefully I can find some time at home and get it finished, then take pictures!

It was a really fun meeting and the food was sooo yummy! I am so happy this is happening and working out. We're having our next meeting pretty soon, probably next week. And, I'll be setting up a class soon, where someone with experience teaches the rest of us how to make something specific. Before Summer ends I would like to make my very own tank top, so that's what I think we'll do for our first DIY class.

Oh look, it's me...

I had my hair down when I got there, but I put it up when I got hot and then forgot to put it back down again for pictures. Ohhhh, well.

Photo bombing...

Until the next meeting...

Remember, you don't have to be a member to share your DIY projects. We want to see them! If you have anything you've altered or made you can email me photos of the process or just the end result. Email me!

Thanks for reading!

- MaryAnne

Dear Any Loyal Readers...

I've been quite a naughty girl at keeping up with my posts. Believe me, I want to post a lot more than I do and I have posts piling up to be put on here, so I best get to it before Summer ends. I've been heavily distracted and busy with life and such. I've decided the only real way I'll be able to maintain consistent activity with my blogs is if I make a weekly schedule and stick to it. So, at least once a week you'll be seeing a new post on here, but since I have so many backed up posts for Summer I want to make sure I get them out all on here before it's too late so I'll be posting a flurry of posts this month and then starting September I'll make sure to post at least once a week.

I appreciate your loyalty and thanks so much for sticking around and checking out my posts.

- MaryAnne

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Birthday Post #1

My birthday was on July 7. I had planned to do a birthday post right after that weekend, but ended up getting busy and distracted so much that the days flew by very quickly and then today suddenly got here. Today happens to be my hub's Bday! I wore a really cute outfit today. I want to share it on here, BUT FIRST I must do the birthday post for my own birthday. It's two outfits in one because I want to show off what Brian wore two.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Do It Yourself - Do It Together

Lookie, I did braids today!

It's also something I did on my birthday weekend when we went to the aquarium. It's easy and pretty and gets my hair away from my neck and shoulders on hot days. It's certainly a nice alternative to the basic pony tail. I am going to try my hand at some swirly french braids here soon.

A while back, around the time I started this blog, I had the idea of creating a DIY Group, where people came together and spent time doing different types of projects, mainly focusing on clothing and accessories. Like clothing alterations, sewing, making hair accessories or bags. I talked to people about it here and there and for a while it just stayed an idea that had yet to be realized. I thought it would be a fun and easy way to both meet new people and get motivated to do DIY projects.

Today we had our very first meeting! There's currently three members and maybe some other interested people who are going to attend some meetings here and there. The meeting today was held at my place. I get excited when I have social activities at my house, it gives me a reason to clean up and buy snacks. I bought fancy cookies and m&m's, and cooked some garlic bread and pizza bites.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Let's go to Italy!

OMG! Where did you get that dress?!?!

A woman came up to us at the co-op and had to know where this lovely blue dress came from. When she was told it came from H&M, she nodded with a "figures" and then asked if it was bought in Seattle. "No, Salt Lake."

For some reason I always thought there was an H&M in Idaho. But with further investigation I found out there is in fact no H&M in the entire state.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Take Three Tanks!

It's the day after the first day of Summer and today was the hottest day of the year so far. It was something near 100 degrees. Idaho has been unseasonably cool this year. I've been enjoying it while I can. I figured this was the best day to feature my favorite comfortable tank-top looks.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Raiding the Closet

Finding new outfits from the a free store in my own home called My Closet. A few of the outfits shown below will be seen again in the near future, done all pretty like, outside with nice light and better quality. I thought it'd be fun to do a post on my evening's adventure of finding new things to wear out of what I already own.

I need to find a better backdrop for indoor pictures, instead of the pink towel that clearly looks just like a towel. Darn. Consider it more like a color, than a towel.

The first outfit is a long-sleeved shirt. It's something I got a year or so ago along with other pieces of clothing someone didn't want anymore. I haven't worn it before because I figured it was too big, or perhaps I was too big. Haha. I kept it because I figured I'd take it in or use a belt. I've toned up since then and have new ideas of what looks neat on me and I found that wearing it with shorts kept it slimming and made the baggier look work, and the lace bit beneath was cool. The lace part is from a slip that I wore to hide color showing through the shirt.

Sleeves down...

Sleeves up...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Damsels in Distress

Starting a new feature... Fashion in the Movies ... One of the best places to spot inspiration, is in a movie. And the clothing in this movie is all sorts of awesome.

Damsels in Distress; starring Greta Gerwig. I was drooling over the clothing the whole movie!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Who's That Girl? Girl Crush Spotlight #1

Sarah Glenn, originally from Boise, ID and now living in Brooklyn, NY. A super cool girl who is NOT afraid to wear anything. She is always wearing something I get instantly jealous over. Ha! And I love the photos she puts on facebook. She's the celebrity that was never famous. Or, she's a famous person that was never a celebrity. I ADORE her style!

 - MaryAnne

[All photos courtesy of the lovely Sarah. Thanks for sharing!]

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Something Good Can Work

Today was an awesome day! I went on two walks. One with Brian and our dog Sage and then one with Sage, where I met up with Brian during his work lunch and ate dinner with him. We had cheese pizza with garlic sauce. I hope that sounds appetizing. Ha!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I'm A Cat Person

Spring, Spring, Spring! It was a sunny 70+ degree day today and the hubs and I went on a long walk, stopping for gyros at Mazzah, a yummy Mediterranean restaurant.

The trees were in crazy full bloom with flowers of pink and white. They make any photo pretty much amazing. ;)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter, Yesterday.

While, Brian had to work [big boohoo!], I spent Easter with family. I ate way too much pie!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring With Elisabeth

I had the opportunity to do a fun Spring shoot with Elisabeth on Tuesday. We got lucky with really nice weather and a perfect day!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

With You, I am

I went to Re-Style [in Boise] yesterday and found a small pile of summer things. But I also found this...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012

A Little Bit of Spring, A Little Bit of Green

St. Patrick's Day was Saturday! I haven't really celebrated it much really. Not because I hate it or anything, but because I had no real reason to in the past. Sometimes I wouldn't even forget to wear green, but that wasn't fun because I'd be the one that got pinched all day. Ugh...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Fingers to the Bone: On Remaining Motivated

When in doubt, I work.

I have always been the girl with the project. In high school, I self-published chapbooks of poetry. [By self-published, I mean, I printed them out at home and stapled them myself.] In college, I started blogging, signed up for internship after internships, wrote for the newspaper, and edited the literary magazine. After college, I now work a full-time job, as well as keep my fashion blog and do other projects. I’m a master at remaining motivated. It’s not just my personality though. This is how I do it.

1. Keep A Notebook. I keep lots of notebooks, for lists and other writing. Right now, I have four main notebooks, all regarding different projects and topics. One notebook is dedicated just to my to do lists, as well as lists of what I want from life and writing as to how I think I’ll get there! If you don’t use lists to stay organized, may I suggest you start? Nothing motivates me more than writing out a to do list – and a paragraph about why I’m doing those things.

2. Know Your Reasons. Why are you doing what you’re doing? When I don’t want to go to work, and could easily call in, I go anyway – because I need the money. When I don’t want to write a blog post, I do it anyway – because doing so will free up time later and keep my blog on a consistent schedule. Having a reason why you’re doing something makes it easier to just get it done. But if you can’t think of a reason, it’s probably okay to ditch it.

3. Slow and Steady. Sometimes, we all get in a rush. We want to clean the whole house in a day, do all the laundry, bake five batches of cookies, re-organize the closets, and cook a five-course dinner. Can I tell you a secret? It’s probably not going to happen. By doing things slow and steady, you’ll get more done – and you won’t hit that burn out period where you lie on the couch and eat cookies for seven hours. It’s like when you study for tests: studying for eight hours straight will only lead to staring blankly at a page for eight hours. Taking breaks is how it’s done.

4. Seriously, Take A Break. Until recently, I was also doing two internships while working full-time. It was easy to do when I worked at a grocery store. But after switching jobs, I realized I couldn’t do it anymore. One internship ended on time and another I decided to quit early. I’m not the kind of person who likes to quit things, but I realized I needed to. I needed a weekend. I needed time to just lie on the couch and watch movies without worrying about getting my 20 internship hours done!

5. Work Out. Do Yoga. Do something. Really, staying active will not only make you feel better, it will make you more productive. Sacrifice 25-30 minutes out of your day to do yoga, or go running, or do a CrossFit routine. You’ll be healthier and more focused.

Most importantly, when it comes to staying motivated, remember that you aren’t a machine. You have to have time to sleep, eat, relax, shower, and do other basic human activities. If you find yourself frantically wondering if you have time to shower everyday, it’s probably time to take a step back and ask yourself if you really need to be doing that much! 

- Michelle

[Michelle blogs over at Locked Out - About life, fashion, and photography. She comes to you live from the wilds of Oregon, where she grew up. She is 23, a writer, photographer, and receptionist. She spends most of her time wondering if people will judge her for having another snack.]

Monday, March 12, 2012

Meet Elisabeth - Fashion Contributor

Name: Elisabeth Pena
Age: 20 (21 in approx 51 days!!!)
Month you were born: April
Hometown: Caldwell, ID
Current City: Caldwell, ID
Occupation/Vocation: Nursing Student at NNU
Hobbies/Activities: I love a good adventure or two in the outdoors, but in the recent cold months I have been burying myself in books, particularly Kurt Vonnegut novels. I enjoy retreating to the Flying M for a delicious vanilla soy latte and a good read.
Website/Blog/Facebook: Tumblr / instagram or twitter: elisabethpena / Facebook
/ Pinterest / My craft projects can be viewed HERE

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Are You There Spring? It's Me MaryAnne.

I have officially decided it's Spring, even though it isn't just yet and the wind was freezing today. Oh, and it snowed too! But the sun was out and its warmth kept me cheery.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Meet Michelle - Writer, Professional Cutie Pie

Name: Michelle
Age: 23
Month you were born: October!
Home region: Western Oregon
Current City: same place :]
Occupation/Vocation: Currently, I'm a receptionist, but I'm up for whatever.
Hobbies/Activities: Writing, fashion, photography, running/working out, baking things I eat too much of...
Website/Blog/Facebook: Locked Out Blogspot / Maple Fire Photography

Meet Mercades - 2nd in Command, PR

Name: Mercades Nicole Maughan
Age: 20
Month you were born: August
Hometown: Boise
Current City: Caldwell
Occupation/Vocation: Walgreens cashier
Hobbies/Activities: Host game nights.
Website/Blog/Facebook: Tumblr / Facebook