Monday, November 28, 2011

Just Before Winter

Last week, I met with my sister to do family photos for her with her husband and their daughter Kataleena. It was cold and windy and kind of sucked altogether, but once we started doing photos it was fun. The park we went to was perfect for Fall photos. I was so in like with the location that I went back two days later to do photos with a model. You will be able to see photos from that shoot very soon.

Here is my sister with her adorable family...

The main subject of this entry is the outfit I wore that day. It was an accidental discovery really. I wasn't sure what to wear one day and I really loved that blazer I found at a thrift store and just really wanted to wear it. I really like the color combination and the belt made it look slimming. Dark natural colors look best on me. I really loved how complimentary the green tank went with the skirt and blazer.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Shoes are not like they used to be. I can never seem to find any shoes worth buying at almost any store I go to. Ironically the best pairs of shoes that I have bought in the last 5 - 8 years, that last the longest and end up being ones I like wearing best, have been from Wal-Mart, but they seem to be phasing out their shoe section. It's probably less than half the size it was before. I found a cool pair of flats at Wal-Mart in Vegas, but they didn't have my size. Every other size was there but mine. Go figure.

I just don't have luck much at all in 'regular' stores, or feel like what I find is worth the money anymore. Shoes are getting cheaper looking, are less quality, and they seem to be more expensive. I went to Payless recently and the selection was pitiful and everything was expensive, at least to me. If something is good quality and can last a long time and feel comfortable then it's worth the price, but I haven't found any shoes that fit the description for me in a long time. Target seemed to be okay. They are hit or miss, but I didn't have the money at the time to get the cool oxfords they had. They didn't even had my size anyway. My size is just too average!

The best find that I have ever had for foot wear were my boots. Completely random, in a thrift store in Caldwell, Idaho - $7, brand new with padded inserts and completely awesome. I almost didn't bother because I thought they were too tight at first, but they were the boots of my dreams, the ones I had been searching for my whole life. My shoe soul mates to be precise. [No pun intended, which may only be a pun if I wrote - 'sole'.] They have been my best friends for over a year and I've worn them so much now that they are finally giving out and I don't know if I am ready to let them go just yet. I can't!

I wear them with a LOT of my looks. With leggings, with skirts, with shorts, with dresses....! They are perfect and they are the envy of the town. haha. I have been asked about where I got them and have received compliments about them almost every time I wear them somewhere.

So where can you find the best footwear? I think, though it takes some sole searching [pun intended because I couldn't help it! hahahaha!], thrift stores are where it's at. That's what I mean about the 'thrill of the hunt'. It takes time, energy, and a lot of disappointments, but just like love, you will eventually find the perfect fit. My husband [I am newly married!] found his all favorite shoes at thrift stores, each pair under $10 and they were all pretty much brand new. Actually, I found almost all of what he wore at our wedding at thrift stores. He wore his awesome Italian shoes that he found at a thrift store for $8. They were polished and looked very expensive. That's because some rich guy spent however much money on them brand new and then didn't want them anymore and donated them to the thrift store where my husband picked them up for a measly fraction of the cost!

Same for my boots. It seems that whoever had them before me hardly wore them, if at all, like they were meant for me and no one else would do.

"You make me happy."

- MaryAnne

Monday, November 14, 2011

Please Welcome to the Class...

MaryAnne [Blog Manager, Writer, and Blog Photographer]



More awesome and lovely contributors to be added as the blog grows and develops. Many ideas are in the works for this blog; Not just to show photos of fashion, but to have interviews with regular girls who like fashion, short articles, and local get-togethers and workshops. This will be a blog not just to look at fashion, but to make your mark, to share your ideas, and learn DIY stuff for both clothing and accessories.

Destruction in the Windows is a collaboration with several different people. It is also the brain child of myself, MaryAnne, to share my love for fashion and photography, as well as DIY and thrift store hunting. Almost all of the photos featured in this blog will be by me, under the name of Annie's Place Photography. You can find my photography on both facebook and my website.

 There is also a facebook page for this blog as well! Click on the link below!

Destruction in the Windows Facebook Page 

 - MaryAnne

[all but the first photo featured in this entry are by Annie's Place Photography]